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English-Hindi > hear the last of

hear the last of meaning in Hindi

hear the last of sentence in Hindi
आखरीबार सुनना
hear    वाह वाह ध्यान से
the    वही यह वह वही वह
last    कलबूत अन्तिम बार
of    स् का की पर बाबत
1."I don't want to talk about it too much because if China wins, she will never let me hear the last of it,"

2.(( I ) ) f I ever pulled anything on you like that I would never hear the last of it . . ..

3.They do not want to solve it, they do not want to understand it, they simply want to be done with it and hear the last of it.

4.KLEINBERG-COLUMN _ I was out of my mind to even think we ever would hear the last of Monica Lewinsky _ or of Ken Starr, even Bill Clinton.

5.Vicente Saez, a 36-year rabbit breeder from the Valencia-area town of Millares _ 600 inhabitants, 20 rabbit farms _ said the government has yet to hear the last of him and his colleagues.

6.Vicente Saez, a 36-year rabbit breeder from the Valencia-area town of Millares _ 600 inhabitants and 20 rabbit farms _ said the government has yet to hear the last of him and his colleagues.

7.I asked a friend when he thought we would hear the last of Monica Lewinsky and he appropriately told me that I was out of my mind to even think we ever would hear the last of her _ or of Ken Starr, even Bill Clinton.

8.I asked a friend when he thought we would hear the last of Monica Lewinsky and he appropriately told me that I was out of my mind to even think we ever would hear the last of her _ or of Ken Starr, even Bill Clinton.

How to say hear the last of in Hindi and what is the meaning of hear the last of in Hindi? hear the last of Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.